we are then wracked with guilt of a life unlived. But Ws Numbers List maybe sticking to that job is the right thing to do, especially if you have Ws Numbers List a family to support. The issue rather is that we don't take the time to experience and appreciate quality in the small things in life, in experiences where we can derive our real joy and fulfilment. The stress of our jobs drain every last bit
of energy we have to enjoy our lives and Ws Numbers List it robs us of quality time with those that are really important to us. We live today where everything is faster and we have more stress. How does stress help a situation? It really doesn't change Ws Numbers List our situation; it only stops us from seeing and enjoying the good in our lives. We can still lead productive lives and be calm
at the same time. Change what you do in Ws Numbers List daily life. Bring some connectedness and peace into your life. Sleep well, exercise, go Ws Numbers List for walks, meditate, spend time with your family, light scented candles, play music, go Ws Numbers List for a monthly massage, eat healthy food, eat delicious food, enjoy quiet time, laugh more, say yes more often when people want to help, delegate