Fooled, because that's no longer the case! At least if we are to rely on what Google a few weeks ago came out with. According to John Mueller, trend analyst at Google, these Edu links often become targets for link spamming because many believe that these links are valuable for their own website's ranking. edu links google Because of this link spamming, Google has chosen to ignore many of these Edu links. So, to summarize the news, don't rely on Edu links and think that this will improve your ranking. And could this mean that Swedish universities' links and institutions.
Websites are also among these? Minimize the download time of your web page A hot tip from Google's John Mueller is to check how long it takes to download a specific page on your website. Mueller recommends that the Time spent downloading a page in Google Search Console should preferably be less whatsapp mobile number list than a few milliseconds. googlebot ms download speed crawl statistics google You might think that this statement is based on users valuing a page that loads quickly, but that's not the whole truth. In this case, it is not primarily about the users, although of course.
They appreciate pages that download quickly. It is instead about the search robots that Google uses, also called Googlebots . These robots retrieve documents from the Internet and all its web pages, to build a database for Google's search engines. The crawling process for Googlebots is algorithmic, decide which pages to crawl, how often, and how many pages from each website are retrieved. The goal from Google's side is to crawl as many pages on your website as possible on each visit, without straining your server's bandwidth too much. You can then calculate for yourself that the faster a Googlebot can crawl your page, the more efficient the search is and the more pages.